File : a-fihema.adb

--                                                                          --
--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
--                                                                          --
--     A D A . F I N A L I Z A T I O N . H E A P _ M A N A G E M E N T      --
--                                                                          --
--                                B o d y                                   --
--                                                                          --
--          Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
--                                                                          --
--                                                                          --
--                                                                          --
--                                                                          --
--                                                                          --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
-- <>.                                          --
--                                                                          --
-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
--                                                                          --

with Ada.Exceptions;          use Ada.Exceptions;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;

with System;                  use System;
with System.Address_Image;
with System.IO;               use System.IO;
--  ???with System.OS_Lib;
--  Breaks ravenscar runtimes
with System.Soft_Links;       use System.Soft_Links;
with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
with System.Storage_Pools;    use System.Storage_Pools;

package body Ada.Finalization.Heap_Management is

   Debug : constant Boolean := False;
   --  True for debugging printouts.

   Header_Size : constant Storage_Count  := Node'Size / Storage_Unit;
   --  Size of the header in bytes. Added to Storage_Size requested by
   --  Allocate/Deallocate to determine the Storage_Size passed to the
   --  underlying pool.

   Header_Offset : constant Storage_Offset := Header_Size;
   --  Offset from the header to the actual object. Used to get from the
   --  address of a header to the address of the actual object, and vice-versa.

   function Address_To_Node_Ptr is
     new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Node_Ptr);

   procedure Attach (N : Node_Ptr; L : Node_Ptr);
   --  Prepend a node to a list

   procedure Detach (N : Node_Ptr);
   --  Unhook a node from an arbitrary list

   procedure Fin_Assert (Condition : Boolean; Message : String);
   --  Asserts that the condition is True. Used instead of pragma Assert in
   --  delicate places where raising an exception would cause re-invocation of
   --  finalization. Instead of raising an exception, aborts the whole process.

   function Is_Empty (Objects : Node_Ptr) return Boolean;
   --  True if the Objects list is empty

   -- Fin_Assert --

   procedure Fin_Assert (Condition : Boolean; Message : String) is

      procedure Fail;
      --  Use a separate procedure to make it easy to set a breakpoint here.

      -- Fail --

      procedure Fail is
         Put_Line ("Heap_Management: Fin_Assert failed: " & Message);
         --  ???OS_Lib.OS_Abort;
         --  Breaks ravenscar runtimes
      end Fail;

   --  Start of processing for Fin_Assert

      if not Condition then
      end if;
   end Fin_Assert;

   -- Add_Offset_To_Address --

   function Add_Offset_To_Address
     (Addr   : System.Address;
      Offset : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Offset) return System.Address
      return System.Storage_Elements."+" (Addr, Offset);
   end Add_Offset_To_Address;

   -- Allocate --

   procedure Allocate
     (Collection   : in out Finalization_Collection;
      Addr         : out System.Address;
      Storage_Size : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
      Alignment    : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
      Needs_Header : Boolean := True)
      --  Allocation of an object with controlled parts

      if Needs_Header then

         --  Do not allow the allocation of controlled objects while the
         --  associated collection is being finalized.

         if Collection.Finalization_Started then
            raise Program_Error with "allocation after finalization started";
         end if;

            N_Addr : Address;
            N_Ptr  : Node_Ptr;

            --  Use the underlying pool to allocate enough space for the object
            --  and the list header. The returned address points to the list
            --  header. If locking is necessary, it will be done by the
            --  underlying pool.

               Storage_Size + Header_Size,

            --  Map the allocated memory into a Node record. This converts the
            --  top of the allocated bits into a list header.

            N_Ptr := Address_To_Node_Ptr (N_Addr);
            Attach (N_Ptr, Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access);

            --  Move the address from Prev to the start of the object. This
            --  operation effectively hides the list header.

            Addr := N_Addr + Header_Offset;

      --  Allocation of a non-controlled object

      end if;

      pragma Assert (Addr mod Alignment = 0);
   end Allocate;

   -- Attach --

   procedure Attach (N : Node_Ptr; L : Node_Ptr) is

      L.Next.Prev := N;
      N.Next := L.Next;
      L.Next := N;
      N.Prev := L;


      --  Note: no need to unlock in case of exceptions; the above code cannot
      --  raise any.

   end Attach;

   -- Base_Pool --

   function Base_Pool
     (Collection : Finalization_Collection) return Any_Storage_Pool_Ptr
      return Collection.Base_Pool;
   end Base_Pool;

   -- Deallocate --

   procedure Deallocate
     (Collection   : in out Finalization_Collection;
      Addr         : System.Address;
      Storage_Size : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
      Alignment    : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
      Has_Header   : Boolean := True)
      pragma Assert (Addr mod Alignment = 0);
      --  Deallocation of an object with controlled parts

      if Has_Header then
            N_Addr : Address;
            N_Ptr  : Node_Ptr;

            --  Move address from the object to beginning of the list header

            N_Addr := Addr - Header_Offset;

            --  Converts the bits preceding the object into a list header

            N_Ptr := Address_To_Node_Ptr (N_Addr);
            Detach (N_Ptr);

            --  Use the underlying pool to destroy the object along with the
            --  list header.

               Storage_Size + Header_Size,

      --  Deallocation of a non-controlled object

      end if;
   end Deallocate;

   -- Detach --

   procedure Detach (N : Node_Ptr) is
      pragma Debug (Fin_Assert (N /= null, "Detach null"));


      if N.Next = null then
         pragma Assert (N.Prev = null);

         N.Prev.Next := N.Next;
         N.Next.Prev := N.Prev;
         N.Next := null;
         N.Prev := null;
      end if;


      --  Note: no need to unlock in case of exceptions; the above code cannot
      --  raise any.

   end Detach;

   -- Finalize --

   overriding procedure Finalize
     (Collection : in out Finalization_Collection)
      Ex_Occur : Exception_Occurrence;
      Raised   : Boolean := False;

      if Debug then
         Put_Line ("-->Heap_Management: ");
         pcol (Collection);
      end if;

      --  Set Finalization_Started to prevent any allocations of objects with
      --  controlled parts during finalization. The associated access type is
      --  about to go out of scope; Finalization_Started is never again
      --  modified.

      if Collection.Finalization_Started then

         --  ???Needed for shared libraries

      end if;

      pragma Debug (Fin_Assert (not Collection.Finalization_Started,
                                "Finalize: already started"));
      Collection.Finalization_Started := True;

      --  For each object in the Objects list, detach it, and finalize it. Note
      --  that other tasks can be doing Unchecked_Deallocations at the same
      --  time, so we need to beware of race conditions.

      while not Is_Empty (Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access) loop

            Node : constant Node_Ptr := Collection.Objects.Next;
            --  Remove the current node from the list first, in case some other
            --  task is simultaneously doing Unchecked_Deallocation on this
            --  object. Detach does Lock_Task. Note that we can't Lock_Task
            --  during Finalize_Address, because finalization can do pretty
            --  much anything.

            Detach (Node);

            --  ??? Kludge: Don't do anything until the proper place to set
            --  primitive Finalize_Address has been determined.

            if Collection.Finalize_Address /= null then
                  Object_Address : constant Address :=
                                     Node.all'Address + Header_Offset;
                  --  Get address of object from address of header

                  Collection.Finalize_Address (Object_Address);
                  when Fin_Except : others =>
                     if not Raised then
                        Raised := True;
                        Save_Occurrence (Ex_Occur, Fin_Except);
                     end if;
            end if;
      end loop;

      if Debug then
         Put_Line ("<--Heap_Management: ");
         pcol (Collection);
      end if;

      --  If the finalization of a particular node raised an exception, reraise
      --  it after the remainder of the list has been finalized.

      if Raised then
         if Debug then
            Put_Line ("Heap_Management: reraised");
         end if;

         Reraise_Occurrence (Ex_Occur);
      end if;
   end Finalize;

   -- Initialize --

   overriding procedure Initialize
     (Collection : in out Finalization_Collection)
      --  The dummy head must point to itself in both directions

      Collection.Objects.Next := Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access;
      Collection.Objects.Prev := Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access;
      pragma Assert (Is_Empty (Collection.Objects'Unchecked_Access));
   end Initialize;

   -- Is_Empty --

   function Is_Empty (Objects : Node_Ptr) return Boolean is
      pragma Debug
        (Fin_Assert ((Objects.Next = Objects) = (Objects.Prev = Objects),
      return Objects.Next = Objects;
   end Is_Empty;

   -- pcol --

   procedure pcol (Collection : Finalization_Collection) is
      Head      : constant Node_Ptr := Collection.Objects'Unrestricted_Access;
      --  "Unrestricted", because we are getting access-to-variable of a
      --  constant! Normally worrisome, this is OK for debugging code.

      Head_Seen : Boolean := False;
      N_Ptr     : Node_Ptr;

      --  Output the basic contents of the collection

      --    Collection: 0x123456789
      --    Base_Pool : null <or> 0x123456789
      --    Fin_Addr  : null <or> 0x123456789
      --    Fin_Start : TRUE <or> FALSE

      Put ("Collection: ");
      Put_Line (Address_Image (Collection'Address));

      Put ("Base_Pool : ");

      if Collection.Base_Pool = null then
         Put_Line (" null");
         Put_Line (Address_Image (Collection.Base_Pool'Address));
      end if;

      Put ("Fin_Addr  : ");

      if Collection.Finalize_Address = null then
         Put_Line ("null");
         Put_Line (Address_Image (Collection.Finalize_Address'Address));
      end if;

      Put ("Fin_Start : ");
      Put_Line (Collection.Finalization_Started'Img);

      --  Output all chained elements. The format is the following:

      --    ^ <or> ? <or> null
      --    |Header: 0x123456789 (dummy head)
      --    |  Prev: 0x123456789
      --    |  Next: 0x123456789
      --    V

      --  ^ - the current element points back to the correct element
      --  ? - the current element points back to an erroneous element
      --  n - the current element points back to null

      --  Header - the address of the list header
      --  Prev   - the address of the list header which the current element
      --         - points back to
      --  Next   - the address of the list header which the current element
      --         - points to
      --  (dummy head) - present if dummy head

      N_Ptr := Head;
      while N_Ptr /= null loop -- Should never be null; we being defensive
         Put_Line ("V");

         --  We see the head initially; we want to exit when we see the head a
         --  SECOND time.

         if N_Ptr = Head then
            exit when Head_Seen;

            Head_Seen := True;
         end if;

         --  The current element is null. This should never happen since the
         --  list is circular.

         if N_Ptr.Prev = null then
            Put_Line ("null (ERROR)");

         --  The current element points back to the correct element

         elsif N_Ptr.Prev.Next = N_Ptr then
            Put_Line ("^");

         --  The current element points to an erroneous element

            Put_Line ("? (ERROR)");
         end if;

         --  Output the header and fields

         Put ("|Header: ");
         Put (Address_Image (N_Ptr.all'Address));

         --  Detect the dummy head

         if N_Ptr = Head then
            Put_Line (" (dummy head)");
            Put_Line ("");
         end if;

         Put ("|  Prev: ");

         if N_Ptr.Prev = null then
            Put_Line ("null");
            Put_Line (Address_Image (N_Ptr.Prev.all'Address));
         end if;

         Put ("|  Next: ");

         if N_Ptr.Next = null then
            Put_Line ("null");
            Put_Line (Address_Image (N_Ptr.Next.all'Address));
         end if;

         N_Ptr := N_Ptr.Next;
      end loop;
   end pcol;

   -- Set_Finalize_Address_Ptr --

   procedure Set_Finalize_Address_Ptr
     (Collection : in out Finalization_Collection;
      Proc_Ptr   : Finalize_Address_Ptr)
      Collection.Finalize_Address := Proc_Ptr;
   end Set_Finalize_Address_Ptr;

   -- Set_Storage_Pool_Ptr --

   procedure Set_Storage_Pool_Ptr
     (Collection : in out Finalization_Collection;
      Pool_Ptr   : Any_Storage_Pool_Ptr)
      Collection.Base_Pool := Pool_Ptr;
   end Set_Storage_Pool_Ptr;

end Ada.Finalization.Heap_Management;